Let’s get these kiddos and their families off to a great start this school year by helping them cross things off their needs list‼️
Shipping directly to the school is the easiest way, but not the only way😃 *see flyer for details.

|| Law Day is Friday, May 1st || COALA is celebrating by awarding one high school junior or senior with a $100 scholarship and invitation to the Oklahoma County Bar Association luncheon!
Do you know someone who is interested in the legal field and could use $100?! Please share this with them. ••contest deadline is April 10••
#lawday #scholarship

Effective November 1, 2019, the 21st Judicial District (Cleveland, Garvin and McClain Counties) have promulgated Local Rules. We will circulate it among the members.

Did ya’ll know today is #LoveYourLawyerDay? It’s not too late to show your appreciation and love to your favorite lawyer. They do allow us to do what we love to do. #LoveYourLawyerDay #ItsARealThing #paralegals #COALA

Thank you so much to Dr. Gavin Manes from Avansic for speaking at our luncheon today. And THANK YOU COALA Members for all the generous donations you contributed to our school supplies drive for Positive Tomorrows!!

We may have something up our “sleeve” to be announced at Friday’s luncheon. RSVP to Debbie Agnew to attend! We hope to see you there!

COALA President, Carol Bybee, spoke yesterday at the OU Law Center’s Legal Assistant Commencement Ceremony. We are very proud of their graduates and we’re honored to be affiliated with the OU Legal Assistant Program.

COALA was well represented at this year’s NALA convention in Scottsdale, AZ. WE are already looking forward to next year in Atlantic City!

Don’t forget to RSVP for our upcoming Cocktails & Conversation this Thursday at The Sheridan. Hope to see you there!

Thank you so much to Jay VanBuskirk, our speaker for today’s luncheon and thank you to all who attended!

COALA would like to congratulate our 2019 Paralegal of the Year, Tamira Lee-Brown. It is hard to think of a more deserving member of our community! CONGRATULATIONS @shealeebrown

#Repost @theskimm
Unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 1969. It might be a good time to ask for a raise, but negotiation isn't easy. Let's get your salary all the way up.

Today we celebrate all the secretaries, assistants, and receptionists of the world! Thanks for all you do to keep businesses running smoothly. Many could not get through the day without an assistant!! #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay

BREAKING NEWS!! 04/23/2019: Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down 23 O.S. sec. 61.2(B-F) which statutorily limits a Plaintiff's cap on recovery of non-economic damages to $350,000.00. Court finds statute unconstitutional in its entirety.

April is Autism Awareness Month. Every year, Autism Oklahoma hosts the PieceWalk & 5K. This is the largest single autism awareness event held in Oklahoma. This year’s walk/run is on May 4 at the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark. This is a day of joy and celebration for all who love someone with autism. It includes a Resource Fair filled with vendors providing information, samples and fun.
As many of you may remember, the Autism Piecewalk holds a special place in our very own Kerry Blackburn’s heart. Her son, JJ, is a highly functioning autistic 10 year old boy. Every year, Kerry and JJ participate in the PieceWalk. Of course JJ loves superheroes and it is only fitting that his team name is Captain JJ and the Autism Avengers!
Please support a good cause and consider donating to Captain JJ's team and participating in the PieceWalk for autism awareness. COALA and Kerry would love for you to join JJ’s team! Click on the link to learn more, donate and to sign up: https://piecewalk.org/team/captain-jj-the-autism-avengers/. #autismawareness #COALA #autismpiecewalk

Sign up today to attend our April luncheon to hear Anne Lawrence of Oklahoma Child Support Services. And don’t forget about Cocktails & Conversation. Swipe left to see more details. #COALA

View the latest issue of COALA Corner and a message from Publications Chair, Tamira Lee-Brown on our website at https://www.coalaokc.org/coala-news/2019/4/1/a-message-from-publications-chair-tamira-lee-brown #COALA